What am I writing? click the changelog
#### [[Changelog]]
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## What I'm doing [[Now]]
**Is this a resume?**
Nope, this is a digital commonplace book **[here ](www.whatagreatsite.com)** is my resume
![[Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 11.24.34 am.png]]
**What is is?**
This is turning into the website i always wanted. virtual garden, dumping ground. notes all the way down.
**what do I write about?**
#halfnotes = similar to tweets or shortform posts- these are just no context write ups
#Observations These are slightly longer posts , usually focused on intropsection and growth
#PublishedElsewhere These are posts from Medium, Hackernoon, Linkedin etc that are more "professional"
#Personal broken into 3 sections
#love I am currently going through a divorce and also had a massive breakup, I write about that experience here
#NSFW Fiction and biographical accounts that aren't safe for work
#Storiesfrommypast Memories in fiction format but taken from real life
#pics pictures from life/ memes
#clippings Obsidian Webclipper stuff, posts I like!
#home - where you are now
#overheard stuff I hear on walks/ in public/ funny conversations
#### A note about NSFW
On this site, you will find (in NSFW and Love)- non work related, sometimes "erotic" text. I may move them to [Medium](https://medium.com/@reneeeshaw) or[ my newsletter](www.whatanewsletter.com
) so that they're paywalled and I have a bit more privacy.
**Where are you?**
[email protected] Perth, Australia
![[Pasted image 20240823104700.png]]
**what are you doing right now?**
most likely, typing away in ~~Google Keep~~ Obsidian , fuelled by caffeine and good intentions. riding by the water on my scooter, hand building clay pottery, researching things to death, sending my friends their daily star sign [[https://www.costarastrology.com/pkkntr|via costar]]
**what are you trying to get better at?**
everything. from coding to cooking to not overthinking everything I post. here's a list of active [emotional active projects ](obsidian://open?vault=content&file=Cool%20things%2Factive%20projects)
**how can i help you?**
aw, you're too kind!
* **spread the word** share my work! give feedback.
* brainstorm with me on ways to pay the rent/ refer me to jobs in tech
**can you help *me*?**
well, i'm no miracle worker, but i'm happy to lend a hand where i can:
* **need project ideas?** my dms are open.
* **want feedback?** i'm a pro at providing constructive criticism (with a healthy dose of encouragement, of course).
* **just need someone to listen?** dm me
~~**more about renee **~~ In progress :)
* ~~**what's your story?** internet kid turned accidental entrepreneur. obsessed with open source culture, ai, and finding the perfect meme for every occasion.~~
* ~~**why open source?** because sharing is caring, and collaboration is the future.~~
* ~~**what's with "[[the thing]]"?** we're in flux. media. events. content.~~